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Kia ora! Kō Ross tōku ingoa.
I live in Ōamaru, North Otago. I am Pākēha and arrived in Aotearoa in 2009.
I am an experienced counsellor and professional development facilitator. My background is in education, with over fifteen years of experience as a secondary school teacher, and as a senior education advisor for the Ministry of Education. I moved into mental health work in 2019 and retrained as a counsellor. I am a full member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (#99587) and a registered ACC sensitive claims provider. I am accredited with Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand).
I have appeared in numerous publications discussing mental health, education, and gender.
Tēnā koutou kua huihui mai nei
Nō Kotiana ahau
I tipu ake au ki Renfrewshire
E noho ana au ki Ōamaru
Ko Ross tōku ingoa
Ko tēnei taku mihi ki ngā tāngata whenua o te rohe nei
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa
I work with a range of organisations to provide counselling services across a variety of issues. To find out more about these services, and how to access funding, check out the details below.
ACC-funded counselling for those who have experienced sexual harm.
Six sessions of funded counselling for those who have been bereaved by suicide.
Counselling and coaching for people with ADHD, ASD and other neurodivergent traits. Clients are self-funded.
ACC-funded counselling for people who are recovering from injury covered by ACC.
Short-term, solutions-focused funded counselling for employees of affiliated organisations and their whānau.
Contact me directly with the name of your organisation to book, or call 0800360364 to book via their team.
Short-term, solutions-focused funded counselling for employees of affiliated organisations and their whānau.
Short-term funded counselling for those working in the agricultural sector in Waitaki.
Contact the team on 0800 787 254.
If calling from an Otago landline you will automatically go through to our Administrator.
If calling from a mobile please then select option 3, then option 5.
I have limited availability for private clients, both individual and couples. Please note, I do not have a waitlist.
For private/self-funded clients I offer a sliding scale for sessions between $100 and $120, depending on what you can sustainably afford. If funding is a real issue for you, please get in touch! I can offer support for a lower fee in certain cases.
Both remote and in-person sessions last for 50 minutes.
All clients must complete an intake form and counselling agreement prior to their first session.
To book, use the contact details below or email me
With counselling it can be difficult to know what to expect. With this in mind, I’ve tried to give some examples of the support I can offer. These aren’t strict descriptions, counselling can go in lots of different directions.
Just come out, or questioning your understanding of your identity? These sessions are tailored to help you navigate what can be an exciting, if challenging time in your life. We can discuss issues like talking to family and friends, your rights in the workplace, medical treatment options and how to manage your feelings and concerns. These sessions are centred around you and your experience, and to help you think about what your identity might mean for you.
Being a caregiver to a child or teenager is tough work, and there’s often a lot of expectations on how to do it without much support of how to get there! I’ve had years of experience working with young people and I’m a parent myself. These sessions are a confidential, supportive space to reflect on what being a caregiver means to you, and how to explore what can be a complex relationship.
We can feel grief from the death of someone we love, but also as a result of other, less tangible losses in our lives. Grieving the loss of a job, the transition from a life-changing incident, or the end of a relationship, can affect us deeply and in unexpected ways. I can provide a secure space for you to explore this grief, and help you work through ways to process and manage it.
ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) can be a debilitating set of behaviours and traits. For many adults, embarking on the road to a diagnosis and support can be daunting or even overwhelming. I have lived experience of this and can help you understand why your brain works the way it does, what strategies and strengths you already possess to manage these behaviours, and consider what healthcare pathways are right for you.
I am available to see clients in person in my practice space in Ōamaru. My room is wheelchair accessible and I have a range of fidget toys, stims, art supplies and blankets for clients to use so they can be as comfortable as possible. The room has a portable HEPA filter. There is a toilet onsite and parking nearby.
If you wish to attend a session and have a small child, we are able to meet in the adjoining Parent Hub, where there are toys and games for your little one. Changing facilities are also available.
On Wednesdays, I am available for clients in Waimate. Please contact for details.
Counselling can seem expensive, complicated and even intimidating. Here are some of the questions I’m asked most often.
If there’s a question you’d like to ask that’s not answered here, or you’d like more information on something I’ve answered here, feel free to contact me directly.
I prefer to work with clients who are funded through the providers listed above. If you would like to work with me but are unsure of your funding options, get in touch with me via email. I have limited availability for clients who are self-funded.
A great question! The cost of counselling can seem pretty high. The cost of a session includes the time spent directly with me, note-writing after the session (a legal requirement), planning for future sessions, background reading and professional development that I may need to do to provide you with the best support possible, business overheads and professional registration, and my own regular external sessions with qualified supervisors. I limit the number of clients I see in a week so that I am able to provide the best possible service to clients.
Beginning to work with a counsellor can be difficult. I offer a free 15-minute online or phone introductory session which will not include therapeutic counselling but give us the opportunity to meet and get to know each other so you can make sure I feel like the right counsellor for you. If we’re not, that’s fine! I’m happy to refer you on to someone else who might better meet your needs.
I live and work in Ōamaru, a small town! I do not discuss my clients with anyone outside of supervision. If you see me in public, you are welcome to intiate contact with me but I will not disclose how I know you or initiate contact with you. If I seem offhand with you outside of our sessions, please don’t take it personally. My main aim is to maintain your privacy and keep our working relationship safe.
I am a strong believer that everyone is the expert in their own life. My role is give you the space to explore your experiences and offer a fresh perspective on things that are distressing you. I am queer, sex and body positive, neurodivergent and work on being as culturally safe as I can be. I strive to uphold Te Tiriti wherever possible and recognise the importance of society and culture on mental health and wellbeing.
I am happy to work with you to make counselling accessible. My practice space is wheelchair-accessible, and you are welcome to bring a support person or interpreter. You are also welcome to bring a fidget toy, comfort item, or other stimming object that will help you in the session. Vaping and smoking are not permitted in my physical practice space though you are welcome to if we are working remotely. If you would like me to not engage in eye contact, or sit in a certain space, you are welcome to request this. I do not wear any strong aftershave or similar.
I am fully vaccinated for Covid 19. I take RAT tests regularly and I am happy to do one on request before in person sessions. I have surgical masks and hand sanitiser available, and I am happy to wear a mask. I have a HEPA filter in the space.
If we are working remotely you are welcome to have your camera on or off, and request the same from me. If you need to move around in the session, or take a break, these can also be accommodated. I also offer text-based counselling over Signal.
I use Cliniko for remote sessions, however if you require closed captions we can use Google Meet. You are welcome to record our sessions (please let me know first!), take notes, or whatever else will help you get the most out of our work together.
I am a member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, and follow the NZAC Code of Ethics, which prioritises client safety and confidentiality. I keep all client notes offline, and in a locked cabinet that only I have access to.
My practice space has other people working in it during the day, and there is a receptionist. There is also a waiting area. For clients under the age of 18, if we are meeting at my practice space after hours then a parent/caregiver must remain in the waiting area during our session.
For remote video clients, I use Cliniko as this offers a secure connection and a range of accessibility options. For text-based clients I use Signal, which is encrypted.
I am police vetted and hold a VCA Core Worker’s certificate, meaning I have been cleared to work with children. I carry professional indemnity insurance.
The majority of my work is done between 9 and 4pm. I value time with my family and try to keep working outside of school hours to a minimum. If you would really like to work with me but need support outside office hours, get in touch via email to discuss.
I am a Rogerian therapist, which means that I follow person-centered and collaborative models of counselling. I believe that the counselling relationship is the most important factor in therapy.
I am trained in trauma-focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing, and structured trauma therapy.
If you’re sick or isolating, you’re welcome to request we move our session online. If you’re unable to make your appointment then please give me as much notice as you can. If you’re finding that you’re reluctant to come along, let me know how you’re feeling and we’ll work on a solution together.
I do not discuss clients on any social media (or anywhere else outside of formal supervision!), and will not engage with any clients on social media for their own comfort and safety.
I am an advocate and human being outside of my professional work and it would be incongruent for me to pretend otherwise. I am very clear about my values and politics online as I am throughout my life.
For private clients, I invoice after the session through HNRY. You must pay for the previous session before your next one. If you’re in difficulty around payment, let me know sooner rather than later and we can work something out! Please let me know if you are invoicing to another organisation at the time of booking.
If you do not show up for an appointment or cancel without a valid reason within 12 hours,you will be charged for the session at my discretion.
Counselling is an intense profession and I make sure to balance my contact work with clients with other activities and interests. I limit the number of clients I see so that I can give each my full attention.
I receive regular professional supervision, which offers advice and guidance on how to improve my practice. Any cases discussed within supervision do not involve identifying details.
I regularly take part in professional learning and development to strengthen my practice.
Te Whatu Ora Accredication 2024
Full membership of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors 2024
Provisional member New Zealand Association of Counsellors 2022
Bachelor in Applied Counselling - Manukau Institute of Technology 2022
Professional training in disputes resolution and peer supervision - Ministry of Education 2018
Postgraduate Certificate in Digital and Collaborative Learning - Mindlab/Unitec 2015
Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary Education- University of London 2006
Bachelors in Marine and Freshwater Biology- University of Glasgow 2004
The client-counsellor relationship is the most important factor in counselling being successful. If for any reason you feel like we have finished our work together, or that it’s no longer working for you, you are welcome to end our sessions.
If there’s something that doesn’t feel right that you want to work out with me, then it can be a really useful exercise to work through any conflict together.
Email address: rosspcounselling@gmail.com
If inquiring as a new client, please include your location, if you’d prefer online or in-person support, and if you are seeking external funding or paying as a private client.
Phone/text: 0210 664 146
Please note this is a work-only number and is not answered outside of work hours. If you are in crisis please call 111. If you need to talk to someone urgently, call or text 1737 for free, confidential support 24/7.
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